Halo People!
I am still in Edinburgh looking for work. So far I have applied for a few positions and I am still sending applications. S-chan seems to be worried that I don't have anything yet, well, can't blame her. Actually I should have started work some time ago already. I can only promise myself and her that I will find a good work soon enough. I believe however that I will find it.
So far I have been sitting in the room all the time, looking for possible applications and sending them.
As a break time, I was washing up, vacuuming the flat, and sometimes cooking something. The Mr. B and Miss A. also cook and sometimes i am invited too. We had pirogi, pancakes and some more things I cannot remember right now. Anyway, last week I made pizza, really easy and tasty - lots of cheese :)
This week however, I decided to make lasagna.
Really easy to make but takes some time - with baking time.
So: I made lasagna with meat and tomato (bolognese) and white flour sauce. Obviously you need the pasta as well and although theoretically you could make it, it is not worth it.
For bolognese sauce you will need:
- 1 BIG onion
- tomato puree (I used 1 glass tomato puree and 1 glass ready bolognese sauce - I was cheating) he he he
- about 250 grams of minced meat (beef, pork)
- spices : salt, pepper, basil, oregano, or some Italian herb mixture, herbs of Provence for instance.
- Garlic!
- I also added fresh spinach leaves - add a lot if you like it.
Fry it all an a pan with oil - first diced onion, then cut or pressed garlic then meat and the herbs, finally the tomato puree and sauce (if you want to cheat)

White Sauce:
you need :
- flour (not too much) - about 4 big soup spoons,
- butter - 50 grams.
- milk
- thick cream or creme frische
- salt
- parsley is a good idea.
- grated cheese - a bit to make it stringy (glue-like)
melt the butter carefully - it must not burn or get brown, still on fire add flour and mix/stir quickly until uniformly smooth. . Add milk anyway - as much as seems right - 1 glass should be OK. If too thick add more milk. Parsley gives it a nice taste too. Don't forget to give some salt and pepper(nothing else)
Add about 50 grams of grated cheese and stir until completely melted

Take a possibly square casserole, butter it so it won't stick later. As the first layer put the white sauce, then pasta - cover it nicely but don't take too much leaves at once, you can break pieces of the leaves if you need to patch the layer up.
Then put white sauce > meat sauce> a bit of cheese > pasta >...
Make at least 3 layers but 4-5 is good too. Put the rest of the white sauce and cheese on top.
Bake it in a pre-heated oven at about 180 degrees for about 40 minutes (you had better cover it with something - for instance with aluminum foil or a casserole cover - or the top will be very dry)
Eat with pleasure!!!


4 Comment:
You know, on Friday I bought a lasagna myself,
because you told me about your
I know, it's time to wate for us.
I hope you liked it. I would like to cook it for you liebling.
Hello Pa-panda-san, I read your diary and I couldn't help leaving a comment to cheer you up.
I assume that S-chan has told you about us but me and my husband also had a hard time looking for jobs in the UK.
It took about 3 months for my husband to find a stable job.
He had been getting crazy for sitting at home all day.
You must be feeling very stressful...keeping sending applications without any responses.
I wish you all the very best!
Thank you for the cheer!
It seems that I will have some job soon, I have already had a job interview so I might start work next or in 2 weeks. I hope so.
I will write a post about it later on.
Bye and thank you